Workshops and Teaching

Winter term 2019/2020: Experimental Animation course for BA & MA students at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Course Lenght: 30 hours on three dates, each topic spanning over two consecutive days

During each of the three sessions the students made short animations based on the briefs about “line”, “form” and “color”. Here are some results.

Password: FFExperimentelleAnimation19

July 2017: One week animation workshop for children age 9-14, organized by the city of Braunschweig and the Braunschweig International Film Festival. Braunschweig, Germany

Film title: Gefährlicher Biss
Length: 5:27 min
Language: German

Password: biss

Ein Fischer bringt eine Gruppe von Forschern zu einer einsamen Insel. Nachts werden die Forscher von kleinen Tieren gebissen und verwandeln sich in Superhelden. Das kommt zur rechten Zeit, denn im Dschungel, im Haus des Fischers und in der Stadt tauchen böse Minions auf. Die Superhelden retten die bedrohten Tiere des Waldes und befreien die Stadt von den Minions.

July 2016: One week animation workshop for children age 8-12, organized by the city of Braunschweig and the Braunschweig International Film Festival. Braunschweig, Germany

Film title: Crazy Cat Dreams
Length: 5:32 min
Language: German

Password: dreams

The children’s dreams are recorded and connected to one story.

Nov. 2015: Life drawing and animation workshop for BA 3D-Design students at University of Bath, UK


March 2015: Drawing workshop for Alina Gordienko’s painting school in Odessa, Ukraine


Spring term 2014: Life drawing tutor for BA Art & Design students at University of Westminster, London


Nov. 2013: Reach Out RCA drawing workshops at Royal College of Art, London